This tool was designed to create sequential color schemes for choropleth maps. You can manipulate colors, number of classes
of your scheme and visual difference between them by applying color distance
steps defined by CIEDE2000 method. To get some more detailed instructions hover with your mouse over
Yes, just like that :)
Yes, just like that :)
We believe it will be helpful to design better and more readable maps. Though the Sequential Color Scheme generator 1.0 seems to be a primitive tool,
there is quiet lot of knowledge and research behind it, check out our papers (references below) and see ;-)
Related research:
Brychtova, A. and Coltekin, A. (2015).
Discriminating classes of sequential and qualitative colour schemes. International Journal of Cartography, 1(1), pp. 62-78, DOI:10.1080/23729333.2015.1055643
Brychtova, A. (2015).
Exploring the influence of colour distance and legend position on choropleth maps readability.
In J. Brus, A. Vondráková, & V. Voženílek (Eds.), Modern Trends in Cartography: Selected Papers of CARTOCON 2014 (Lecture No., pp. 315–326). doi:978-3-319-07926-4
Brychtova, A. and Coltekin, A. (2014).
An Empirical User Study for Measuring the Influence of Colour Distance and Font Size in Map Reading Using Eye Tracking.
The Cartographic Journal, 0(0), pp. 1743277414Y.000. doi:10.1179/1743277414Y.0000000103
Brychtová, A. and Vondráková, A. (2014).
Green versus Red:
Eye-tracking evaluation of sequential colour schemes. In SGEM 2014 Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing Proceedings Volume III (p. 8). Sofia, Bulgaria: STEF92 Technology Ltd. doi:10.5593/SGEM2014/B23/S11.082
© 2015
Alžběta Brychtová (ideas, research behind, design),
Jitka Doležalová (math) & Ondřej Štrubl (php)
Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Science,
Department of Geoinformatics
We have many ideas how to improve the tool, but we need more time to do so.
However if you have any comments or suggestions, don't hesitate a second to tell us (send a mail to Alžběta or Jitka).
Color Picker by John Dyer
Time: 0.004662036895752